0 Time Travel and 刪除記憶Sad Machine!

It had been a long time i didn't blog.
Recently watch a drama called "谈情说案"
in this show there is a part talking about
time travel machine and 刪除記憶 sad Machine.
Usually i won't bother about such topic but
recently i ask myself if there is a time travel machine
will i travel back to the past?
i am sure i will becouse i need to start all over again
with my life.

As for 刪除記憶 sad machine, i won't want to use it cos
a normal human should had both happy and sad memory.
To forget something unhappy or sad is also mean forget
something and someone you love or so love before and becouse
you love that why there is sadness after you lost it.

I missed Furby.....i hope to dream of her cos i really want
to know how is she staying in the other part of the world?
I remember her look, her smile, her kissed and her hug.
I still cannot get over how she waited for me with her last breath.
I hate myself for didn't give her 100% of my love.
God only let her stayed with me for 2 year+ which
i don't accept and was force to part with her.
But god is also good to manage to let me see her the last time.
I still cry sometime when i think of her.

Furby how life in heaven?
Do you missed mama?
Is there someone to look after you?
Let me dream of you can?

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