0 From News @ Sg And Usa

Recently feel sad hearing so many bad news, one crazyman slammed a dog to death......I don't know why he do this to the dog? Many people saw him doing that but none went forward to stop him? I want to voice out my view, one person is scare of the madman i can understand but many people should not scare of him can group together and scare him away. Now everthing is too late and the dog was slammed to death and whatever i said also useless. Hope the s.p.c.a or ava can do something to get justice done for the poor dog.

Ps: If i saw the madman doing this to the dog i am so sure i definetely will go forward and snatch away the dog, even if i know i will be hacked or beaten up by him i don't care cos i know i had save a life.

Saw a clip on stomp@sg a cat was run over by a van....the cat died but seeing another cat went over and tried all it best to save the cat and even try cpr on the cat, i am so touch.

Ps: Animal are better then human 100 time, human, pls remember there are time when you are in deep trouble like building collapse or missing in the forest....I am sure s civil defence or army will bring along dog to search for you...so you don't love animal but animal will still do their job to save your life

A usa news, one crazy women throws someone else cat into wheelie bin ? I really don't understand why she do that but i know this women will be in deep shit if found her cos usa s.p.c.a is more powerful, they really will take action.

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